Helping You Follow Your Creative Fire to Build a Business You Love.

Meet Becky Nethery: Creative Catalyst and Brand Strategist

Your soul is calling.

You have a vision for a world-changing business.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur who is dreaming about the next level, new service or business… Or a brand new baby entrepreneur ready to step into the world of business…

You have a creative fire burning inside of you. 

  • You know you have expertise to offer the world.

  • You know you have solutions that people need.

  • You know that this work is so much bigger than you - it’s the creative expression, your legacy work, your truth that you’ve earned through the battlefields of life.

  • You’re ready to turn this into a simple, sustainable and thriving business. 

But now what?

The fastest way to build a business you hate…

  • Buy a bunch of DIY courses, watch webinars, listen to podcasts, read a library's worth of books and get overwhelmed in “learning” instead of taking action. Hello, analysis paralysis.

  • Next, blindly adopt other people’s tactics - from sales to copywriting templates to marketing strategies, just do what the gurus tell you while overriding your inner wisdom. 

  • Say ‘yes’ to clients who you don’t actually want to work with, who suck up all your time, while draining your energy. 

  • Re-create the wheel for every project or simply “wing it” without having any repeatable or scalable systems. 

  • Undercharge because you don’t have clear win-win offers, allowing scope creep to sink in as you resent the work and become a slave to the business monster you’ve created. 

  • Insert frustration, financial stress and burnout while you wallow in self-doubt and look at going back to your old job. Insert existential crisis here.

And the crazy thing is, you CAN create what looks like a successful business on the outside, but inside you’re feeling bored, disconnected, frustrated and unfulfilled.

You know you are meant for more.

You are craving simplicity, clarity, deep impact, connection and freedom. 

If this is ringing true, I want you to know you are not alone. In fact, you’re in good company.

But this is not the end of your story.

This is the messy middle.

This is what happens before you figure it out.


Creative Fire Strategy Sessions

Six months of support to transform your dream into a simple, scalable and sustainable world-changing business that you love. 

You CAN design the business of your dreams.

It starts with reclaiming your inner authority, reconnecting with your creative fire and designing a simple, scalable and sustainable business foundation. 

The Creative Fire Servicescape

Together we assess, refine or create the holistic environment of your business - so your creative fire can burn bright and healthy.

Without these four pillars clearly established, there will be unnecessary suffering in your business.

This is the foundation that all entrepreneurs need to create a world-changing business you love.

This is the foundation that every business needs.

We work in the areas where your business needs attention.

When you have each of these key areas of your servicescape operating, then your business is set up to thrive.

You’ll have the clarity, confidence and self-trust to take action, offer, market, sell, and serve, on repeat.

  • → We do this first and foremost, giving ourselves permission to do things our own way, by tapping into our inner guidance and wisdom.

    → We weave authenticity and alignment into every business decision.

    → We reclaim our inner authority, instead of giving it away to others. (We build business freedom, not a business monster that we hate or resent.)

  • → Next, we deeply serve our clients with sustainable win-win offers that are greatly needed, end suffering and create change. (And feel good to offer. No more sacrificing so your client can win.)

    → We create REMARKABLE experiences for our clients and create brand ambassadors and advocates who send referrals because they had such a transformative experience.

    → We weave adult educational principles into your offers. I bring a ten-year career as an educator that has given me a wealth of experience in designing easy-to-digest learning experiences - from courses to workshops to memberships, to retreats, I’ll help you create amazing experiences that leverage adult learning expertise.

    → Plus we’ll explore what is required for you to step into new levels of leadership as you bring your offers to the world.

  • → We learn how to show up secure in our authenticity with clear copy and brand messaging that kindly articulates the value of the offer(s). (So you can stand tall in your truth.)

    → We learn to sell in ways that are in the highest good of all. (With consent, safety and deep respect for clients to make the best decisions for them.)

    → We create marketing plans that are simple, personalized and effective opportunities to honour our unique creative fire and self-expression. (We CAN experience the joy of self-expression through our marketing.)

  • → We create supportive systems that help us optimize our offerings and create beautiful user experiences that are transformational, and healing and help end suffering on the planet.

    → From marketing systems to sales systems, to delivery systems, we make sure that your business has the organization and support to run smoothly, so you aren’t losing sleep or dropping any ball worrying about missing deadlines.

    → We create momentum. Although systems might not be the most sexy thing to focus on, this is key to creating momentum and being able to scale, while maintaining amazing client experiences.

    If you know your business could use some support in any of these areas, book a strategy call and let’s explore this together.

Hi, I’m Becky Nethery

Multipotentialite, Founder of Creative Fire Business Coaching, Copywriter, Teacher, Author, Human, MA, HBA, BEd

I know what it’s like to build a six-figure business that you end up hating and want to burn down because it’s out of alignment - that is a part of my story.

I know how frustrating it is to feel like you are meant for more. I know what it’s like to start a business because you have this deep desire to help people and serve the world. 

And I know what it's like to get lost in the world of business, unable to see the trees through the forest.  To hire people who don't have your best interests in mind, do all the things they tell you to do, override your inner wisdom and yet feel dead and empty inside, knowing you aren’t doing your soul work and serving the world in your zone of genius. 

It’s so easy to get stuck in half truths of profitable offers that you loved at one point, but the spark has gone out.  You’ve changed and grown, but aren’t sure how this translates into the new direction your business wants to take.   I know what it is like to feel lost and lonely and walk through all the self-doubt that gets in our own way. 

I think a lot of entrepreneurs feel this and don’t want to admit it or talk about it. Yet these are the things that keep us up at night. And the truth remains:  we are responsible for our lives. We are responsible for our gifts. We are responsible for our dreams. 

I work with people who are committed to their creative fire.

We believe in it and are dedicated to walking this path. We don’t have all the answers but we’re here for the journey. And as we take action, we are supported as the next step appears. Through collaboration, the journey becomes easier. We are stronger together. 

After helping 100+ entrepreneurs hone in on their website messaging and brand story, I began to see a pattern. So many entrepreneurs have this fire inside, but they don’t know how to get their talents, offers and solutions into the world. 

So we do what we’re told by the business gurus. We follow their strategies and tactics and both consciously and unconsciously give our authority away, often using strategies that feel slimy, unhuman or manipulative.

And two things happen: it either works, but doesn’t feel good because we’re disconnected and out of integrity or it doesn’t work because we’re disconnected and out of integrity. 

As I worked with my clients as a copywriter, I too started to feel the pull that I had much more to offer my clients. I could write an amazing website for my clients, but if they were struggling with their offer, or their systems, or their inner authority, the business struggled to take off. And I knew I could help.

One of the comments I hear over and over again is “I felt deeply seen and heard. Becky could take this jumble of ideas and make a masterpiece out of it.” This is my gift. I am able to help my clients reconnect with their creative fire and turn that fire into a thriving business they actually love.

It’s the burning desire, inside of everyone, the prana, life force, shakti, chi, whatever you want to call it, that guides us to create more life. This sacred fire offers us the joy of self-expression.

But it needs attention because it can go out or it can burn us up (hello burnout). We must learn how to harness the creative fire in healthy, balanced ways in order to create the impact and business we love. 

This takes wisdom - it’s deeply practical, building a servicescape, looking at the foundations of creating a sustainable, simple and scalable business. But it’s also deeply internal, staying connected to our inner authority, authenticity, integrity and inner wisdom that knows how to honour our unique creative expression. It’s possible to grow your business from a balanced place that honours all of it - everything belongs.

Creative Fire Strategy Sessions are what I love doing.

I’m so grateful that I get to help visionary entrepreneurs turn their ideas and dreams into action in a way that truly changes the world.

We go deep, so your creative fire can burn bright.

You CAN create the business of your dreams. 

  • Doing the work that you love, in your zone of genius and serving the people who most benefit from your expertise. 

  • Leading a business that has the impact you desire and leaves you deeply fulfilled, satisfied and proud of yourself. 

  • Operating in a simple and sustainable way that allows you the freedom and income you desire. 

  • Feeling safe because you’ve built the solid foundation of your business, based on your inner authority, authenticity, expertise and integrity

  • Not only that, but your business has the potential to help end suffering on the planet and create more freedom for you, your clients and your community.

    This is possible. And you don’t have to do it alone. I want all this and more for you and will do everything in my power to help you bring your creative fire into the world.

So, what’s included?

  • 1:1 individualized strategic support to package, offer, market, sell and deliver your legacy work in simple, scalable and sustainable ways - 1 x Monthy 90- Minute Creative Fire Strategy Session

  • Voxer / email support between calls Monday to Friday

  • 30 min Asset Review and Feedback (website copy, sales pages, email sequences, lead-magnets, curriculum, systems documents, SOP, etc.)

  • 2 Monthly 90-minute “Do the Work” group co-working calls to help you take action 

  • Six-month commitment with a three-month release of services

Starting at $500 CAD / Month

Fast-track options are available. Book a strategy session to explore the best option for you.

This is not a cookie-cutter approach. 

We will follow your creative fire.

It will be part flow and part structure, but it will all come together.

It’s 100% based on what YOU need to reach your goals and honour your creative fire and inner wisdom. 

You are the authority in your business. 

I’m here to present options, but you know yourself, your people and your subject matter the best! This is about trusting your inner guidance and balancing the inner and outer work required to create a business you love.

The Ultimate Destination

A Legacy World-Changing Business You Love

With Creative Fire Strategy Sessions you’ll have…

  • 1:1 personalized support. Forget business loneliness. When you work with Becky, you will be deeply seen, heard and understood. Weaving together the seen and the unseen, you’ll know what practical steps to take next. 

  • Balancing the practical business strategy and the deep work of becoming, you’ll experience compassionate, gentle yet firm support, strategy and mentorship. 

  • You’ll experience absolute clarity and know the exact action steps to take to move your business forward and help you realize your vision. Plus you’ll get personalized asset feedback and reviews to ensure the messaging is clearly and succinctly translated.

  • A safe space to build business momentum, accountability, cheerleading and remembering that you can trust your creative fire to guide you - revealing your next step. 

  • A true collaborative and strategic partnership to help you bring this creative fire into the world and set it up with a solid business foundation that you need to thrive, profit and grow.

Kind Words From Amazing Clients

“The Creative Fire process has been game changing for my business. Before working with Becky my business, though successful, felt really disjointed.

I was struggling to decide which of my offers to focus on which led to a lot of confusion around my marketing efforts. During our work together, Becky helped me get clear on the parts of my business I was most passionate about and the marketing strategies I enjoyed most. She encouraged me to honour my desires, and trust myself to follow my passion.

As a result, we simplified my offers, re-wrote my entire website and created a marketing plan that feels fun, authentic and easy. I’m excited to talk about my offer and feel confident in its value.

Becky has an amazing gift for cutting through the mind chatter and narrowing in on what matters most. I would highly recommend working with Becky if you want to bring more YOU into your offers, marketing and systems.

Not only that, but this work was deeply healing.”

- Kim Hagle, Founder of Radiant Vitality Wellness

“The support that Becky provides - the coaching, validation, and safe place to explore what will work for me was incredible. I was getting other messages of how everyone else is supposed to do it.

Becky always reframed things so that it was less overwhelming and so that I could do what made sense for me and my business.

Instead of fitting into a cookie-cutter formula, Becky spent time with me to explore the best strategy for me that actually felt good, easy and elegant.

With Becky’s help, I created and launched my first-ever course. My offer was clear, the messaging had direction and it created momentum for my business, I thought - this is happening, it’s actually happening, it’s not just an idea in my head anymore, it’s actually going somewhere now. I love that Becky can take my ideas and craft it into this amazing and clear message.

When I work with Becky, I feel seen. I feel like “oh Becky’s in my head” and she just pulled everything out so that it wasn’t a jumble. The creativity that came through me, Becky gave it a direction, a funnel.”

-Dr. Kate Hazlitt, Creator of Authenticity and Attachment

“Coaches and business owners - Becky is a genius.

I basically word-vomited for an hour on a call about all the women over 35 I help, what I do, why I’m so passionate about it.

And she took that word vomit and made a website that SO MANY people have seen and got inspired to book calls with me. I’ve had more sales calls with amazing people who turned into clients because of the work I did with Becky.”

- Colin Jackson, Founder of the Prime 35 Project

“Since I started working with Becky, I haven’t had any more anxiety about my business. I don’t lay in bed at night worrying about all the things I need to do anymore, because I know that things are taken care of and Becky is helping me create clarity around my offers, marketing and systems.

Becky brings soul to her work, she has a tremendous capacity for kindness and clarity and the process of working with her is seamless. Working with Becky is fun and easy and I feel more clear and confident after every call.

Becky made me feel so seen and understood and helped me convey exactly what I wanted to say seamlessly.”

-Destiny Spurrel, Brand Alignment Strategist

I was thinking about our session yesterday and how I feel today versus how I felt for the last week-ish.  I felt calm this morning.  I felt like I’m putting things in motion for success in a calm, purposeful and self-kind way that isn’t going to exhaust and hurt me.  Before our session, I felt great urgency.  I felt hurry, hurry, hustle hard, go move that mountain over there, push harder, do more.  I felt exhausted and dreading moving that mountain.

I reflected on what is different about working with you and how I’ve left previous biz coaching sessions. I usually left those sessions with hope but also with a task list of things that I wasn’t doing enough of, wasn’t good enough at, more tasks to add to my already too long task list, hopeful but overwhelmed and insufficient.  Compared to how I feel after working with you.  I feel grounded, calm, already good enough.  I actually feel like I’m going to accomplish my goal with less work.

My go-to in the past has been to hustle hard but that is not working for me anymore. That’s not the energy I want to live in. I love that you help me step out of that hustle mentality and step into self-compassion with ambition.  That’s the magic."

-E H.A. Accountant, Profit First Professional

Why this matters so much...

I’m sick of seeing entrepreneurs lose their fire or waste their time suffering with overly-complicated things that don’t actually help their bottom line and impact in the world. There are a lot of experts, gurus and coaches who have lost touch with the people they serve. They are making big promises, and getting paid lots of money but creative visionaries are falling through the cracks, lost, frustrated and discouraged. 

That’s why I created the Creative Fire Business Coaching. It’s practical. It’s simple. It’s grounded. It’s balanced. It’s based on the premise that you are the authority in your business. I’m here to collaborate, bounce ideas off, strategize, simplify and guide. I will reflect back your inner knowing. 

And when we do this, when we have the courage to bravely follow our creative fire, we stand out in the marketplace. We show up with thoughtful, aligned, transformational offers. We market with authenticity, tell our stories in embodied ways, and confidently stand in our truth. With supportive systems, we confidently deliver what we say we will. And most importantly, we stay deeply connected to our creative fire and the legacy work that is so much bigger than us. 

This is when things shift - we see momentum. We connect with people who need this. We do the work with confidence. And we feel deeply fulfilled. 

There is no longer any competition, self-doubt is transformed into action and confidence and there is clarity of vision, peace, freedom and sustainable growth.

It is my deep honour to support entrepreneurs who are offering their solutions to help end suffering and create more freedom in the world.

Why now?

Maybe You’re Thinking… 

“I can just do this on my own.”  “I’ll buy another course, read another book, listen to another podcast.” And the truth is, you can do those things. You can 100% piece things together on your own. 

But how much is that going to cost you? How much extra energy, time, frustration, lost impact, missed opportunities and loneliness? And chances are if you’ve made it this far down the page, you’ve already tried these strategies.

The hard truth. 

You are radically responsible for your life.

You get to decide when it’s time to transform your dreams into reality. You get to decide what kind of entrepreneur you will become and how you want to do it.

If you’re ready to honour your dreams, to walk the sacred path of the creative firekeeper, I’m here to support you on your journey. 

The first step starts with booking a strategy session. We’ll explore where you are right now, where you want to go and how to traverse the landscape in between. 

If I feel we are a good fit, I’ll explain how I work with clients and invite you to work together. If we’re not a good fit, I’ll offer recommendations to others in my network who could better serve you. No pressure either way, just an opportunity to better understand where you are right now and where you want to go.

Book a Strategy Session Today

You are not alone. You deserve the support you need to build a business you LOVE. Let’s talk.